Upon watching the John Wayne movie Wake of the Red Witch...
"John Wayne versus giant octopus, round 2!!! And this time he's only armed with a knife and his pants! GUESS WHO WINS THIS TIME, YEAH BITCH, FUCK YOU OCTOPUS!!! YEAH HOWS THAT KNIFE TASTE?!"
1 comment:
As the person being quoted in the above entry, I must clarify that when I say that it is "Round 2," I am referring to the fact that John Wayne also fought a giant octopus in the 1942 Cecil B. DeMille film, "Reap the Wild Wind."
However, in THAT film, the octopus actually kills John Wayne, hence the "YEAH BITCH HOWS THAT KNIFE TASTE" and so on and so forth and what have you.
1 comment:
As the person being quoted in the above entry, I must clarify that when I say that it is "Round 2," I am referring to the fact that John Wayne also fought a giant octopus in the 1942 Cecil B. DeMille film, "Reap the Wild Wind."
However, in THAT film, the octopus actually kills John Wayne, hence the "YEAH BITCH HOWS THAT KNIFE TASTE" and so on and so forth and what have you.
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